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Class Hierarchy
Base visitor linked to a generator
Field Description CurrentItemListStack (-) Queue for current items FCurrentItem (-) Current item to visit FDocOptions (-) Options of the project FDocStructure (-) Structure of the project to visit FEvaluateItemDisplay (-) Visit evaluation callback from DocGenerator FNextItem (-) Next visited item FPreviousItem (-) Previously visited item FVisitingCallback (-) Visit callback from DocGenerator PreviousItemStack (-) Queue for previous items
Method Description AfterFullVisit (#) Thing to do after a full visit (generally some finalizations) AfterVisit (#) Things to do after the visit of a DocTemplate AfterVisit (#) Things to do after the visit of a DocTemplateList BeforeFullVisit (#) Thing to do before a full visit (generally some initializations) BeforeVisit (#) Things to do before the visit of a DocTemplateList BeforeVisit (#) Things to do before the visit of a DocTemplate Create (+) Create a new TDOCGeneratorVisitor instance linked with the structure Destroy (+) Destroy a previously created TDOCGeneratorVisitor instance DoVisit (#) Do the real visit for this list. This should be written by descendant DoVisit (#) Do the real visit for this item. This should be written by descendant FindNextItem (#) Search the next item that will be visited (visit enabled) IsVisitEnabled (#) Test if visit is enabled for this item IsVisitEnabled (#) Test if visit is enabled for this item VerifyCondition (+) Verify initial conditions before building the project
Property Description DocOptions (+) Options of the project DocStructure (#) Structure of the project to visit EvaluateItemDisplay (+) Visit evaluation callback from DocGenerator NextItem (+) Next visited item PreviousItem (+) Previously visited item VisitingCallback (+) Visit callback from DocGenerator
Symbol Visibility - Private # Protected + Public * Published A Automated S Strict
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