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Holder for all Options module
Parser, structure builder, Generator and the DelphiCodeToDoc application
share this class that contains all options.
Field Description ApplicationLanguage (+) ISO language name used in the application FAllowHtmlInDescription (-) Keep description as string or Encode for html FAlphaSort (-) Alphabetical sort of the Unit, Class, and member name FAuthor (-) Information about the author (name, email for example) FBoolsAsChecks (-) See Checkmarks or boolean expression for options FBracketStarJavaDocCharPrefix (-) JavaDoc Prefix for BracketStar comments FConditionalDefines (-) List of defines needed to interprete source code FCopyright (-) Copyright of the author FCurlyJavaDocCharPrefix (-) JavaDoc Prefix for Curly comments FCustomFooter (-) Author's Footer filename insert in each generated files FCustomHeader (-) Author's Header filename insert in each generated files FDescription (-) Project's Description, few lines are permitted FFilesExcludeList (-) List of exluded items (files or folders) FFilesIncludeList (-) List of included items (files or folders) FHideEmptyOutputBlock (-) Hide any empty output block FHideEmptyTAGSection (-) Empty TAG section will be hide FHTMLlink (-) HTML link to the project page, or author page FInLineJavaDocCharPrefix (-) JavaDoc Prefix for Inline comments FLanguage (-) Ouput Language of the documentation FLaunchBrowser (-) Launch browser at the end of the documentation generation FName (-) Name of the project, use as a basename for the output files FOutputFilteringCategory (-) Show/Hide some members category FOutputFolder (-) Where all output files will be saved FOutputFormat (-) Output format od the documentation FParseImplementationSection (-) Also Parse implementation section (for TAG) FPropertyCommentFromAssessors (-) Get comment from assessors for uncommented properties FRecurseDirectory (-) Search inside sub-directoryes FSkipFirstTAGLine (-) Skip first TAG line, that are sometimes decorator FSkipLastTAGLine (-) Skip last TAG line, that are sometimes decorator FSummary (-) Summary of the project (only one line) FTagCommentSet (-) TAG that will be extracted to the documentation FTitle (-) Title of the project FVisibilitySet (-) Visibility filter wanted for the output FWarnEmptyTAG (-) Add a warning message in the documentation if some TAGs are missing GeneratorLanguage (+) ISO language name used in the doc generated
Method Description CopyToTL04 (+) #No TAG found in source code# Create (+) Creates a TDOCOptions reference Destroy (+) Destroy a TDOCOption reference LoadFromStream (+) Load Project's Options from a stream SaveToStream (+) Save Project's Options to a stream SetDefaultValue (+) Set all options to a default value
Property Description AllowHtmlInDescription (*) Keep description as string or Encode for html AlphaSort (*) Alphabetical sort of the Unit, Class, and member name Author (*) Information about the author (name, email for example) BoolsAsChecks (*) See Checkmarks or boolean expression for options BracketStarJavaDocCharPrefix (*) JavaDoc Prefix for BracketStar comments ConditionalDefines (*) List of defines needed to interprete source code Copyright (*) Copyright of the author CurlyJavaDocCharPrefix (*) JavaDoc Prefix for Curly comments CustomFooter (*) Author's Footer filename insert in each generated files CustomHeader (*) Author's Header filename insert in each generated files Description (*) Project's Description, few lines are permitted FilesExcludeList (*) List of exluded items (files or folders) FilesIncludeList (*) List of included items (files or folders) HideEmptyOutputBlock (*) Hide any empty output block HideEmptyTAGSection (*) Empty TAG section will be hide HTMLlink (*) HTML link to the project page, or author page InLineJavaDocCharPrefix (*) JavaDoc Prefix for Inline comments Language (*) Ouput Language of the documentation LaunchBrowser (*) Launch browser at the end of the documentation generation NAME (*) Name of the project, use as a basename for the output files OutputFilteringCategory (*) Show/Hide some members category OutputFolder (*) Where all output files will be saved OutputFormat (*) Output format od the documentation ParseImplementationSection (*) Also Parse implementation section (for TAG) PropertyCommentFromAssessors (*) Get comment from assessors for uncommented properties RecurseDirectory (*) Search inside sub-directoryes SkipFirstTAGLine (*) Skip first TAG line, that are sometimes decorator SkipLastTAGLine (*) Skip last TAG line, that are sometimes decorator Summary (*) Summary of the project (only one line) TagCommentSet (*) TAG that will be extracted to the documentation Title (*) Title of the project VisibilitySet (*) Visibility filter wanted for the output WarnEmptyTAG (*) Add a warning message in the documentation if some TAGs are missing
Symbol Visibility - Private # Protected + Public * Published A Automated S Strict
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