Here is a list of discussion forums, their description, and the
link to the content hosted on SourceForge. Please, read
the FAQs before posting any question. Remember, posting
in the forums will allow other people to read your comments, and
maybe help them. So prefer posting instead of sending me directly
an email.
Discussion (All and nothing about this project)
If you want to say something about DelphiCodeToDoc, or TAGs based
comments system, or simply post a comment, this is the right place!
If you are facing a problem with the application, just send a
message in this forum But if you think you have enough grasp the
issue, feel free to directly post a Tracker.
Forum - Forum en Français
Ce forum est disponible pour tous ceux qui parlent français.
Je n'ai pas le temps de traduire des parties du site web, ni certains
documents, mais je peux fournir un support en Français
à partir de cette section.
This forum is for anyone who speak my natural language. I don't
have time to translate any web site part nor some documents in
French, but I can provide a support in French from this section.
Translators can register and send question about localization
of DelphiCodeToDoc application.